Migraines are a complex condition that are contributed to by many things including the upper neck, jaw, sleep, mental health e.g. stress, anxiety, depression, diet, gut health, nutritional deficiencies, exercise and hormones. Every person that experiences migraines is different and therefore what contributes to and causes your migraines is different to the next persons.
The underlying disorder of migraines is something called brainstem sensitization, meaning that the brain is hyperexcitable. In this state, anything and everything could potentially trigger it, leading to a migraine. All of the things listed above can contribute to this sensitization. Therefore in order to make significant changes to your migraines, it is key to identify what is contributing to YOUR migraines and positively change them so that the brain becomes less excitable, making it MUCH harder to set off a migraine.
During your initial consultation, our headache and migraine experts go through all aspects that could be contributing to and causing YOUR chronic headaches and migraines to determine the best and quickest pathway forwards. We provide information and education as to how these aspects all fit together and advice for how to address them so that you can start taking action, who to see if another professional is required to assist e.g. gynaecologist for assistance with hormones, to get the fastest and best results possible and we provide hands on treatment to the areas that require work.
In over 80% of cases, migraines are contributed to and caused by dysfunctions in the upper 3 joints of the neck which lead to a sensitization of the brainstem. These dysfunctions often arise due to trauma, poor posture, repetitive actions etc. Using the Watson Headache ® Approach, these dysfunctions in the neck are treated and retrained using hands on, non-invasive techniques which work to de-sensitize the brainstem, addressing the underlying disorder of a migraine.
Posture plays a big role in the frequency and intensity of migraines. During the initial consultation, postural advice is given and is consistently followed up on. When appropriate, exercises are prescribed to help correct the dysfunctions in your neck to help retrain the neck to reduce the frequency and intensity of your migraines, and the chance of them returning.
Whilst you are undergoing treatment, it can also be a more pleasant experience for you to identify and avoid migraine triggers. Triggers can include dietary, environmental, physical, emotional and hormonal triggers. For a more comprehensive list, see here.