Pregnancy and Menopause Can Affect Your Headaches and Migraines

Uncategorized Nov 12, 2020

There can be a lot of questions about how pregnancy and menopause can cause headaches and migraines. Thus, learning and understanding these changes and how they affect our well-being is necessary to prevent further confusion. 

When you go through pregnancy or menopause, there are so many hormonal changes that are going through your body, which may later result in headaches and migraines. Going through these changes can cause various factors to fluctuate, such as:

  • Changes in our body may have a positive effect resulting in relief from headaches and migraines
  • Changes in our body may get worse, which we don't want to happen
  • There will be no changes at all

Many people have been experiencing these symptoms from their teens or their early 20s. Although their doctors would advise them not to worry since headaches or migraines will eventually subside, for some people, it isn't the case. They still experience discomfort during their pregnancy or the menopausal stage. 

Some people go through the pregnancy stage without any migraines, but as soon as they give birth, their migraines come back again. 

However, for some, symptoms like headaches and migraines during pregnancy and menopause actually get worse not better.  

So why is one person different from the other? 

People who suffer migraines or headaches when they hit the menopausal stage are more likely to have a hormonal component throughout their history. If you are having these symptoms that are menstrually related or cycle-related, then they are more likely to change during pregnancy or menopause.

But if you haven't noticed that your headaches and migraines are linked to your cycle, then they are less likely to change during pregnancy or menopause. These symptoms are not linked to your hormones, even if your hormones are changing. Thus, they affect people differently since everybody has different triggers. 

Avoiding underlying causes or triggers such as chocolate, stress, alcohol, citrus, and more can prevent you from having these symptoms during pregnancy or the menopausal stage and have long-term changes that you want.

If you have questions, inquiries, or stories about your experiences during your pregnancy or menopause, you can share and send them to us. You can also share this to help other people who struggle with headaches or migraines.

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