We've Got You Covered: Your Vestibular Migraine FAQ Answered

Do you experience dizziness, vertigo, or a feeling of imbalance that disrupts your daily life? These could be symptoms of vestibular migraine, a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Vestibular migraines can be incredibly disorienting and frustrating, but the good news is that there are ways to manage them.  This FAQ dives into the most common questions about vestibular migraines, providing clear and concise answers to empower you on your journey to better health. Let's explore the causes, symptoms, treatment options, and helpful lifestyle tips for coping with vestibular migraines and finding relief.

1. What are vestibular migraines and how do they differ from regular migraines?

Vestibular migraines are a type of migraine that can cause vertigo, dizziness, and problems with balance, in addition to the typical symptoms of a migraine headache. Unlike regular migraines, which primarily involve throbbing head pain often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light or...

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Common Migraine Triggers to Look Out For this Holiday Season

It's the holiday season once more! Festive times offer happiness, get-togethers with family, and an abundance of food. However, within the celebrations are covert migraine triggers that have the potential to ruin the fun. Now, we don't want this party-crasher, do we? So, looking out for common migraine triggers this holiday season is key! Read on for tips on how to enjoy the festivities pain-free.


Look out for these triggers!

1. Red Wine

Deep in its crimson colour, red wine contains sulphites and tannins. These components give the wine its unique taste, and some people have difficulties with them. For example, tannins are known to constrict blood vessels, which might potentially trigger a pounding headache if you're prone to migraines.

There are ways to enjoy a glass or two of wine without bringing a headache to the gathering for people who are sensitive to these components. For those who are prone to migraines, choosing lighter red wines with reduced tannin content, such as...

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Unleashing Relief: How Yoga and Clinical Pilates Can Alleviate Migraines

Living with migraines may be an extremely difficult and stressful experience. The severe pain, combined with the slew of other symptoms that frequently accompany migraines, can make basic daily tasks challenging. While there is no cure for migraines, there are several measures that can be used to control and manage their effects. Alternative treatments such as yoga and therapeutic pilates have gained popularity for their ability to reduce migraine symptoms and increase general well-being.


Bye Bye Migraines: Harnessing the Power of Yoga and Clinical Pilates for Lasting Relief

The capacity to alleviate stress is one of the primary benefits of incorporating yoga into a migraine management plan. Stress is a frequent migraine trigger, and yoga can help relieve tension and promote relaxation. Yoga's blend of physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation can assist in relaxing the nervous system, regulating breathing, and generating a sense of peace and tranquility....

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