I’m Dr Damian Poustie, Senior Osteopath and Functional Medicine Practitioner and founder of Melbourne Headache Solutions. Over the years, I have encountered numerous patients who have tried various migraine treatments, both conventional and alternative. By sharing these experiences, along with insights gained through my professional practice, this blog aims to provide practical and relatable advice for those suffering from migraines.
As a healthcare professional with over 20 years of experience, I have dedicated my career to understanding and treating conditions like migraines. My expertise is rooted in a comprehensive education in healthcare, complemented by continuous learning and professional development. This blog post leverages my extensive knowledge of both medication-based and natural migraine treatments, ensuring that the advice provided is both accurate and beneficial. By referencing reputable sources such as the American Migraine Foundation and WebMD,...
Do you experience dizziness, vertigo, or a feeling of imbalance that disrupts your daily life? These could be symptoms of vestibular migraine, a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Vestibular migraines can be incredibly disorienting and frustrating, but the good news is that there are ways to manage them. This FAQ dives into the most common questions about vestibular migraines, providing clear and concise answers to empower you on your journey to better health. Let's explore the causes, symptoms, treatment options, and helpful lifestyle tips for coping with vestibular migraines and finding relief.
Vestibular migraines are a type of migraine that can cause vertigo, dizziness, and problems with balance, in addition to the typical symptoms of a migraine headache. Unlike regular migraines, which primarily involve throbbing head pain often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light or...
Far too many of us these days have had some experience personally or with loved ones who are dealing with migraine and its physical, emotional and mental impact.
If you have a headache, the easiest thing to do is to pop a pill. But if you're one of those people who suffer from chronic headaches and migraines, you know that this tactic doesn't work. Your head still aches and you're still miserable.
There are numerous reasons for chronic headaches, but it's often due to inflammation and imbalances in your brain and body. This is caused by many different things like nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalance, gut health, food sensitivities/intolerances, stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, and infections and toxins.
Though we don’t have all the answers yet, we do know that focusing on the essentials of brain health can have a big impact on reducing the frequency and severity of migraine attacks, and often putting migraine into remission.
We have been researching brain...
Migraines can be devastating, and there are many new treatments on the horizon: drugs, diets and lifestyle changes.
But who should you see? And what remedies will help you the most?
The first step should be to see an excellent general practitioner or family doctor who can confirm that you have a migraine and, if possible, rule out other causes for your symptoms. They should also have a good neurologist that they can refer you to if needed and referrals to other migraine experts that can help you get to the root cause of your condition.
We know that the best migraine treatment is an integrative approach. People that commit to this "integrative" approach consistently put their migraines in remission.
However, the correct treatment for migraine is still controversial because there are many kinds of migraines and no single migraine treatment.
There is an arsenal of migraine medications (painkillers and anti-inflammatories), but because the body's inflammatory response...
Migraines can be debilitating, leaving you in pain and unable to function daily. If you're suffering from chronic migraines, you must find the proper treatment to stop your migraines before they have lasting effects on your life.
If it's been more than two years and you're still not seeing much improvement in your condition, it may be time to find a new doctor who can give you the kind of treatment that works best for you and your migraines.
However, finding the right migraine doctor to treat your condition can be challenging and time-consuming, especially if you don't know where to look or what questions to ask.
This article will help you find the best migraine doctor so you can reduce the number of migraines you experience and regain control of your life.
Here are some signs that it's time to move on and find a new migraine doctor:
If you’ve tried countless of medications...
If you have been suffering from chronic headaches and migraine without getting much relief, seeing a headache and migraine specialist can help you get a correct diagnosis and make sure you are receiving the proper treatment.
A specialist will check your symptoms, look for the cause, and set up a detailed plan to treat your pain and improve your everyday life.
Of course, your regular doctor can help you a lot. But a specialist often has a deeper understanding of headaches and migraines and may have access to different treatments, such as Botox
It can take people with migraine many years before they see a migraine specialist, but you shouldn’t wait that long if you feel that your current treatment is not providing the relief that you or your doctor expected.
A migraine specialist may perform additional tests such as brain scans and blood tests to ensure that your migraines and headaches are not caused by any life-threatening condition such as a tumor.
Hey everyone! For those joining us from Melbourne like myself, then we are in lockdown number five! We’re used to this song already.
Just a couple of COVID reminders and lockdown reminders that can help you keep your headaches and migraines at bay during this lockdown.
Hello, I’m Dr Beth, osteopath here at Melbourne Headache Solutions.
Number one, first and foremost, you want to keep your body active and moving. During lockdowns, we tend to stay really still, really stagnant, and we don't move anywhere near as much as we normally would. Make sure that you're going outside and getting that regular walking. Get everything moving, get those muscles loose. Get those joints moving. It's going to help to decrease those headaches and migraines and help to keep them at bay. So fabulous.
Second, we want to make sure that the neck itself is moving. We're spending a lot more time with screen time, sitting, watching TV, reading books, in front of computers, those sorts of things....
Hey, I need you to listen to this and I need you to tell everyone. Shout it from the rooftops.
You a special and unique and so are your migraines. And you need to be treated as such and your migraines need to be treated as such.
Hi, I'm Dr Beth, osteopath here in Melbourne Headache Solutions.
I get asked quite frequently “why is it that I get dizziness?” “why is it that I am getting like pressure in my head?”, “why is it that I get nausea?”, and “why am I vomiting?”
Basically, you are unique. You are special, your brain interprets things differently. Some people will get nausea as their predominant symptom, as well as their head pain. Other people will get vomiting. Other people will get really intense light sensitivity, whereas other people will just have pounding head pain that won't go away. Other people will have a hemiplegic migraine and other people will get a vestibular migraine. In terms of why you get one versus the...
A comment that a patient recently received, “Oh, you were fine yesterday, so why do you have a migraine today?” highlights the lack of awareness and understanding of how migraines actually work.
Migraines are not like colds and cannot be predicted easily. You can be perfectly fine one minute and then suddenly hit with a migraine attack the next minute. It is not uncommon for people with migraines to have sudden, intense pain, intense nausea, an aura, and vomiting. The previous minute or day has no relation to when a migraine attack might hit, making it unpredictable.
However, some people do have an indication as to when their migraine attacks might occur. Triggers such as alcohol, certain foods, lack of sleep, or activities can increase the likelihood of a migraine attack. But for some people, migraines can hit randomly, making them a surprise attack.
Migraines are known as a silent or invisible illness. People with migraines may look perfectly fine on the...
When you are experiencing a headache or migraine it can make it difficult to participate in social events, family gatherings, and other activities. Everything from bright lights and noisy sounds to simply being around people can be a trigger. During these times, it's common to feel guilty about missing out and not spending time with loved ones.
However, there are ways to approach headaches and migraines differently so you don't have to miss out on time with loved ones. Dr Beth (osteopath) shares with us some insights on the topic during Headache and Migraine Awareness Month.
When I suffered from headaches, I found it challenging to go out to social events like pubs, clubs, and restaurants. Even simple daily activities like getting out of bed and getting dressed were difficult. I wanted to be able to attend social events and spend time with my family and friends, but often the pain was just too much.
I spoke with others who also felt like they were missing out due to their...
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