Are you feeling tired or lack energy? These are the common symptoms of chronic headaches.

“I'm always tired!”
“I feel like I'm lacking in energy.”
“I don't have the motivation.”

These are really common statements we hear from individuals experiencing constant headaches and migraines. Today, we'll look into the connection between constant lethargy and headaches and explore ways to address these challenges.

Hello, I'm Dr. Beth, an osteopath here at Melbourne Headache Solutions.

It's very common for those with chronic headaches and migraines to say they're always tired, have constant headaches, and feel low on energy. Understanding why this happens can help us find ways to feel better.

Feeling extremely tired, having a headache, lacking energy, and suddenly feeling weak can all be signs that something isn't quite right with your health. These symptoms could be caused by various things, such as:

Not drinking enough water: This can make you feel tired, give you headaches, and make you feel weak.
Not eating well: Not getting enough essential nutrients in your diet can leave you feeling tired and weak.
Not sleeping enough: Not getting enough good-quality sleep can make you feel tired and give you headaches.
Feeling stressed: Being really stressed can make you feel drained and give you headaches.
Having other health problems: Certain medical conditions, like anaemia, thyroid problems, or infections, can make you feel tired and weak.

For many people with headaches and migraines, as we help with their headaches and migraines, they start to feel more energetic. They often feel more motivated and awake. Constant headaches mean your body is using up a lot of energy as it tries to heal. So, feeling tired and drained is common. When we deal with the source of the constant headache, you often start to feel more energetic and alert.

Red flags for fatigue that could mean something more serious include:

  • Always feeling tired, even after resting.
  • Losing weight without trying.
  • Having headaches a lot that don't go away with normal painkillers.
  • Feeling weak a lot.

So, it's important to think about your energy levels, find ways to fight tiredness, and boost your motivation for overall health and managing headaches.

A straightforward approach to bolstering energy levels involves checking key indicators such as iron levels, vitamin D levels, and B vitamin levels. Deficiencies in these essential nutrients, especially prevalent in women, can significantly contribute to feelings of fatigue. Supplementation can be a simple remedy, determined by a blood test to identify deficiencies.

Dietary choices also play a crucial role in energy levels. Opting for a cleaner diet with fewer processed foods and a focus on vegetables and healthy, unprocessed foods can elevate energy levels and combat feelings of tiredness. Establishing regular eating patterns, avoiding blood sugar spikes, and prioritising nutritious food can contribute to increased vitality and a more vibrant feeling.

Sleep quality is paramount in managing headaches and migraines. Inadequate sleep, characterized by frequent awakenings, prolonged sleep onset, restlessness, or light sleeping, can exacerbate these conditions. Magnesium supplements, with a recommended daily dosage of 600 milligrams, have proven effective in enhancing sleep quality, alleviating muscle aches, and reducing headaches and migraines.

Chronic headaches and migraines not only drain your physical energy but can also take a toll on your emotional well-being. The constant struggle with pain often leads to feelings of frustration, anxiety, and even depression, making it tough to maintain your usual energy levels and motivation. These symptoms can impact various aspects of your life, from work to relationships, leaving you feeling drained both mentally and physically.

Managing chronic headaches and migraines requires a multifaceted approach that considers various lifestyle factors. Incorporating regular exercise, practising stress-relief techniques like meditation or yoga, and striving for a healthy work-life balance are all crucial steps in regaining control over your symptoms and boosting your energy levels.

Seeking professional guidance is also essential. Consulting with healthcare experts such as osteopaths, neurologists, or pain specialists can provide you with personalised treatment plans tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. Remember, you're not alone in this journey, and there are effective strategies and support available to help you reclaim your vitality and improve your overall quality of life.

I trust that this information proves beneficial. If you have any questions regarding your energy levels, headaches, migraines, or any other concerns, please feel free to leave a comment below or send us a message. We are always eager to assist you.

To schedule your FREE consultations, please book with us today through hereTo learn more about your headaches and migraines and our team of dedicated osteopaths, visit us at


Your Questions Answered

What are the potential causes of extreme tiredness and headaches?

Extreme tiredness and headaches can come from different things. Not drinking enough water can make you dehydrated, causing tiredness and headaches. Similarly, if you don't eat well and miss out on important nutrients, you might feel weak and tired.

Not getting enough good sleep or having bad sleep can make tiredness worse and start headaches. Feeling stressed can also take away your energy and lead to headaches. Some health problems like anaemia or issues with your thyroid can make you feel tired and give you headaches too.

How can chronic headaches affect energy levels?

Chronic headaches, like migraines, can really affect how much energy you have. The continuous pain from these headaches makes your body use up lots of energy to deal with the discomfort. This can make you feel tired and sluggish as your body tries to cope with the pain. Feeling constantly tired can make it hard to stay focused and motivated. It's important to figure out what's causing these headaches so you can feel better and have more energy.

What strategies can help alleviate extreme tiredness and headaches?

There are many ways to ease extreme tiredness and headaches. Firstly, ensure you're getting enough essential nutrients like iron, vitamin D, and B vitamins. Eating a healthier diet with whole foods and vegetables can also help. Prioritise quality sleep and consider magnesium supplements to improve sleep and reduce headaches. Managing stress through activities like meditation or yoga can also help.


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