Chocolate, cheese and red wine… Loved by many but loathed by headache and migraine sufferers!

Uncategorized Oct 29, 2019

Chocolate, cheese and red wine… Loved by many but loathed by headache and migraine sufferers!
Do you find that certain foods give you a headache or migraine? What is it about these foods that causes them to be a trigger?

Chemical sensitivity can be attributed to triggers in up to 70% of headache and migraine sufferers! This isn’t just limited to food we eat but also the chemicals and pollutants that we absorb through breathing and through our skin.  Sensitivity to certain foods and alcohol alone can trigger a migraine in over 50% of sufferers! Are you one of the 50% affected?
When you live with chronic headaches or migraines it can really impact your enjoyment of the things that you love in life such as spending time with friends and family and participating in social or sporting engagement.  You're left feeling unproductive at home and work and just generally feel tired and fed up.

Dietary issues play a large role in chronic headaches and migraines, and when left unaddressed it can really hold you back.  We know from evidence that the top three vertebrae in the spine are a major cause of headache and migraine, however many people have food or chemical sensitivities which can lead to chronic inflammation and neurogenic pain if not managed effectively.  Many of the types of foods that can trigger migraines have also been linked to chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, complex regional pain syndrome and even behavioural issues. 

Your gut is often referred to as your second brain due to the enteric nervous system which contains around 100 million neurons (more than even the spinal cord), and 30 neurotransmitters and also gives endless feedback to the brain. Many people are unaware that up to 95% of serotonin is produced in the gut and that low levels of serotonin have been linked to migraine! Gut conditions like IBS, Celiac disease, and Crohn’s disease all disrupt the release of serotonin.  However, the relationship goes both ways and serotonin levels in the brain can also cause gut symptoms. Finding a way to address issues with the gut and imbalances in serotonin production may help to reduce your headache and migraine symptoms. 

Seeking the correct advice and treatment for your headache or migraine can help to stop them in their tracks, decreasing reliance on heavy painkillers every time you feel that familiar pain beginning. Talking to somebody who is passionate about treating headaches and migraines is the first step on your path to healing.  Addressing the issues with the top 3 vertebrae in the spine, and identifying any dietary, lifestyle, chemical and environmental factors that may be contributing to your symptoms is the next step on your path to wellness and enjoying the quality of life that you deserve.

There’s no need to just “learn to live with it”.  So many patients tell me they’ve tried every avenue when it comes to treating their headaches and migraines, they’ve been told that there’s nothing more that can be done and that they've just learnt to live with it when they shouldn't have to! 
If any of this resonates with you and you want to find out more about what could be triggering your headaches and migraines then get in touch with us.  Here at Melbourne Headache Solutions we are passionate about helping people with their headaches and migraines. We are dedicated to finding out what the root cause of your problem is and helping you to find a way to get your symptoms under control so please get in touch!

Written by Dr Helen ( osteopath) who works in our Camberwell Clinic-Melbourne Headache Solutions

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