Top 5 Tips in Managing Jaw Clenching and Grinding

Have you noticed that when you get headaches, your jaw can hurt during or afterwards? Do you find that when you're stressed or anxious, the jaw or around the front of your mouth can be really tender? These could all be signs that you're clenching and grinding your jaw involuntarily. This presentation is more common than you think. And today I'm going to run you through my top five tips to manage your jaw clenching and grinding at home.

First, it's important to discuss the anatomy of the jaw and how it relates to your headaches and migraines. The main brain of your jaw is called your mandible, which is the brain that connects into the head through a ball and socket joint. The mandible itself is held by a bunch of really strong musculature that help you do things like talking, eating, and drinking. Your upper cervical vertebrae are very closely related to this area as well. Meaning, if your jaw is dysfunctional, it can lead to problems with the upper cervical spine and vice versa...

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