Headache and migraine symptoms that you might be experiencing

Everybody seems to be experiencing these symptoms recently. These conditions just popped up out of the woodwork and everybody that's coming into the clinic, or at least a lot of people seem to be experiencing this. 

If you're experiencing short bouts of dizziness, lasting for a couple of seconds, maybe 10, 20 seconds, that is particularly aggravated by movement. Like turning your head, doing a head check in the car, following the kids around the park, maybe bending over to tie up your shoe, laying in bed or rolling over in bed, those sorts of things.

A lot of people tend to think of this condition as like big spins, and that's how we can start off. But for a lot of people recently, they had that kind of experience to begin with, but after a week, two weeks, three weeks, four weeks later, they're not experiencing those big spins anymore.

They're experiencing more lightheadedness. When they turn their head,it feels like their head is taking a couple of seconds to catch up, like...

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