Triggers and causes tend to get interchange, but there is actually a massive difference between a migraine trigger and the causes of migraines.
What exactly is a trigger and also what are the causes? A trigger is something that exactly triggers a migraine attack. It will initiate a migraine attack, but the causes of a migraine are the things that help to increase your sensitivity towards building migraine attacks.
The causes of things are the underlying issues that we need to work on to actually decrease your sensitivity so that a migraine trigger can actually come along and trigger an event. Remember that your migraine attacks are different to the next migraine attacks and your causes might be different to the next person's causes, then there's not actually anything that you can initiate.
There's not actually anything that you can trigger anymore. So bananas, is just a banana, chocolate is just chocolate and coffee is just coffee. If we think about something like stress, then a...
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