Unlocking the Mystery: How Your Neck Might Be the Hidden Culprit Behind Your Migraine

Neck Mobility and Migraine Headaches: What's the Connection?


Migraine is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide.They may cause extreme pain, make you throw up, make you sensitive to light and sound, and make you want to lock yourself away in a dark, quiet room. Not only that, they can be unpredictable, leading to feelings of stress and anxiety about when the next episode is going to occur. 

Many things can cause a migraine attack, and it can be hard to figure out what causes it. It can be so hard to figure out that many patients and doctors give up on the idea of finding the cause.Still, new research strongly supports what we have known for a long time—decades, in fact—that the neck may be more important for migraines than many people in the field thought before.

The relationship between migraines and the neck will be discussed in this article, along with the neck structures that might cause pain to radiate to the head and how...

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