Do You Experience Dizziness and Vertigo During Migraines? Hereā€™s Why and How You Can Find Relief!

Have you ever felt that the world shifted abruptly, leaving you perplexed and looking for answers? If you've experienced dizziness and vertigo, particularly before or during a migraine episode, you're not alone. In this article, we'll speak about those odd sensations that may have left you feeling disoriented. We'll shed light on the relationship between dizziness, vertigo, and a devious player called vestibular migraine. Come along as we discuss these topics and figure out how to feel better with some help from our migraine experts here at Melbourne Headache Solutions.

Let’s consider Gemma’s case…

Let's take a brief look at Gemma before getting into the specifics of dizziness and vertigo. Gemma is your typical busy bee, juggling emails and meetings while powering through her to-do list. Today, however, something unusual happens.

Gemma is in the zone, typing away at her keyboard, when she notices something odd. The room tilts, and a rush of disorientation strikes...

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10 Lifestyle Changes You Can Make for a Migraine-Free Year in 2024

It's that time of year when everyone is ready to set some new goals for themselves, isn't it? And what greater pledge than to put our health first? If migraines have been ruining your daily tasks, it’s about time you take control this year and wave goodbye to those bothersome pains.

Consider this New Year as a blank canvas that is just waiting for us to add some bright, health-related hues. Making little adjustments to our way of life may be the key to putting an end to those excruciating headaches. Here is a list of ten easy adjustments that will perhaps help us avoid migraines in the upcoming year.


1. Stay hydrated

One essential tactic for treating migraines is staying hydrated. It's time-tested advice that you have undoubtedly encountered in your attempt to manage your headaches. Not only may dehydration make you feel a little thirsty, but it can also be a cause for migraines that pound.

Why is water such an important resource? Consider this: your body needs water to...

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Common Migraine Triggers to Look Out For this Holiday Season

It's the holiday season once more! Festive times offer happiness, get-togethers with family, and an abundance of food. However, within the celebrations are covert migraine triggers that have the potential to ruin the fun. Now, we don't want this party-crasher, do we? So, looking out for common migraine triggers this holiday season is key! Read on for tips on how to enjoy the festivities pain-free.


Look out for these triggers!

1. Red Wine

Deep in its crimson colour, red wine contains sulphites and tannins. These components give the wine its unique taste, and some people have difficulties with them. For example, tannins are known to constrict blood vessels, which might potentially trigger a pounding headache if you're prone to migraines.

There are ways to enjoy a glass or two of wine without bringing a headache to the gathering for people who are sensitive to these components. For those who are prone to migraines, choosing lighter red wines with reduced tannin content, such as...

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Manage Neck Issues and Migraines with These Simple Neck Exercises and Techniques

Are you tired of suffering with chronic neck pain and crippling migraines? Neck pain and migraines are often a result of poor posture, stress, or muscle strain. There are, however, simple yet effective neck exercises that can help ease these discomforts and enhance your general well-being. In this blog, we'll look at a variety of exercises that are designed to tackle neck troubles and migraines, giving you relief and a route to a pain-free life.

Understanding the Causes of Neck Issues and Migraines

Neck pain and migraines are common conditions that impact millions of people worldwide. To properly address these issues, it is critical to first understand their fundamental causes. Poor posture, stress, and muscular strain are major factors that contribute to the occurrence of these problems. This emphasises the significance of holistic therapies, that involve targeted workouts, as well as lifestyle changes.

Poor posture is one of the leading causes of neck pain and migraines. ...

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Here's How Aligning Spine and Head Can Help With Migraine Prevention

One might not immediately consider the position of the spine and head as a vital aspect in the search for migraine treatment. However, recent research and experts are highlighting the strong connection between these components. The article will look into the intriguing relationship between the alignment of the spine and the head and how it may be crucial in preventing migraines.


How Spine Alignment Impacts Migraine Pain

It's critical to go further into the complex interactions between the spinal column and cranial area in order to fully grasp the substantial impact of spine alignment on migraine discomfort. The principal pathway for neural communication between the brain and the body is the spine, a dynamic structure made up of vertebrae, intervertebral discs, nerves, and muscles.

A chain of events begins when the spine is out of alignment, whether as a result of long-term bad posture, abrupt jolts, or structural anomalies. This may cause vital nerves to be compressed as well...

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5 Tips for Managing Migraines During Pregnancy and the Role of Osteopaths

Pregnancy is a journey encompassing a plethora of physical changes, but it may also bring the unpleasant companion of migraines and headaches for some women. Due to limited available treatments for both the mother's and the unborn child's health, these headaches can be difficult to deal with. In this post, we're offering up five tips for controlling migraines successfully while pregnant, giving expecting mums crucial information and real-world experiences.


1. Identify and Avoid Triggers

Migraine triggers differ from person to person, and pinpointing them is essential for successful therapy. Here are a few typical triggers, some instances, and some avoidance tactics:


Hormonal Fluctuations:

Pregnancy-related hormonal changes have been shown to be a substantial migraine trigger. During the first trimester, when hormones are quickly changing, many women get migraines. Concentrate on avoiding other stressors and keeping a regular schedule to help balance your hormone...

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3 Home Remedies You Can Use To Decrease Your Headache Or Migraines

Whilst you would prefer to never experience a headache or migraine, if/when you do have one it is always helpful to have tools that you can reach for to try to help ease your symptoms. Here are Dr Beth’s (osteopath) top 3 oils/creams that you can apply to try to help ease your pain and symptoms of a headache and/or migraine. 

Magnesium oil! It is a topical solution that contains high levels of magnesium chloride, a form of magnesium that is easily absorbed through the skin. Applying magnesium oil to tight muscles of the neck and shoulders can be particularly helpful if they are contributing to your headaches and/or migraines. It is commonly used for its potential benefits for headaches and migraines, including:

  1. Relief of muscle tension: Magnesium is known to relax muscles, which can help reduce headache and migraine symptoms caused by muscle tension.
  2. Regulating neurotransmitters: Magnesium has been shown to help regulate neurotransmitters, which play a role in headaches...
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Migraine Relief: 9 Effective Ways to Control Your Migraine

Far too many of us these days have had some experience personally or with loved ones who are dealing with migraine and its physical, emotional and mental impact.

If you have a headache, the easiest thing to do is to pop a pill. But if you're one of those people who suffer from chronic headaches and migraines, you know that this tactic doesn't work. Your head still aches and you're still miserable. 

There are numerous reasons for chronic headaches, but it's often due to inflammation and imbalances in your brain and body. This is caused by many different things like nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalance, gut health, food sensitivities/intolerances, stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, and infections and toxins.

Though we don’t have all the answers yet, we do know that focusing on the essentials of brain health can have a big impact on reducing the frequency and severity of migraine attacks, and often putting migraine into remission. 

We have been researching brain...

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Who is the best doctor to see for migraine treatment?

Migraines can be devastating, and there are many new treatments on the horizon: drugs, diets and lifestyle changes.

But who should you see? And what remedies will help you the most?

The first step should be to see an excellent general practitioner or family doctor who can confirm that you have a migraine and, if possible, rule out other causes for your symptoms. They should also have a good neurologist that they can refer you to if needed and referrals to other migraine experts that can help you get to the root cause of your condition. 

We know that the best migraine treatment is an integrative approach. People that commit to this "integrative" approach consistently put their migraines in remission.

However, the correct treatment for migraine is still controversial because there are many kinds of migraines and no single migraine treatment. 

There is an arsenal of migraine medications (painkillers and anti-inflammatories), but because the body's inflammatory response...

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The Most Common Questions People Ask About Their Migraine


If you are experiencing migraine attacks, then you know how debilitating they can be. That's why it's essential to work with a knowledgeable team about diagnosing and treating migraine headaches.

It's also important to know that you are not alone. There are many support networks out there for you, including the team here at Melbourne Headache Solutions.  

This blog post will answer the most common questions that people ask about their migraine condition. 


What exactly is a Migraine?

Migraine is a neurological condition affecting the brain, but it can cause symptoms throughout the entire body that can range from severe head pain, nausea and vomiting to temporary paralysis of parts of the body.   

A migraine is classically described as an intense, throbbing headache usually on one side of the head accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light or sound. However, there can be a huge range of symptoms, and no two people’s migraine are...

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